Chamiza / Atriplex canescens

Chamiza / Atriplex canescens Chamiza / Atriplex canescens Chamiza / Atriplex canescens

This year-round leafy tree grows as tall as a person. It does not need watering and so is found throughout the outdoors, in gravelly soils, deserts and thickets.

The seeds can be eaten raw directly from the plant, they taste best when dry because their crunchy texture is enjoyable. They can also be ground and mixed with water if desired.

The roots are medicinal and once ground can be used for toothache. A tea with the roots helps to relieve stomach aches and coughs. If you rub the leaves with water you can make a lather and rub it on the skin to relieve itching or a rash. The fresh leaves leaves can be used to soothe insect bites. insect bites. Burning the leaves of this leaves of this plant can help to revive revive a person who feels weak or faint. weak or fainting.

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