Yerba de la negrita / Sphaeralcea
This herb is about one meter tall and usually has five-petaled orange flowers with hairy leaves. and usually has orange flowers with five petals and hairy leaves. It looks a bit like a geranium that you would find in a garden. It is a common common herb that needs very little water.
This is a very useful plant for internal use because it helps with all problems in the digestive tract. all problems in the digestive tract. You can collect green leaves that are edible, and even make a tasty tea from them. tea from them. All the parts of this plant are edible, but but the mature stems are too woody. The tea is sometimes used to facilitate childbirth or to wash babies when they are born. The tea can also be used if you have a sore throat or upset stomach. stomach. The leaves make a good salad when eaten tender. fresh plant can also be ground to soothe the skin because it has a lot of soluble fiber. skin because it has a lot of soluble fiber. Wash this plant carefully if you are in an urban area and decide to consume it, because sometimes dogs like it because sometimes dogs like to urinate on it.