Casas Hogar Amor y Superación A.C.

Casas Hogar Amor y Superación A.C. Casas Hogar Amor y Superación A.C.

According to its own website, Casa Hogar Amor y Superación A.C. has a historical relationship with Casa Hogar Santa Clara de Asís, founded by Monsignor Mariano Mosqueda in 1999. It was in 2014 that it was formed as an A.C. Initially it was not exclusively for migrants, and to date it serves the general population.

The organization is based on comprehensive care: it provides housing for the girls for as long as they are under 18 years of age; they receive formal education based on public education models and receive psychological care.

The girls received by the Hogar must be referred by the State or be under its guardianship, so they have to go through a governmental agency. In that sense, Verónica Domínguez reports in 2019 that the A.C. receives a monthly subsidy for each resident from the DIF of the state of Chihuahua.

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